Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012


You know that? this heart so hurts! HURT'S! : ( Have you ever felt that's same with me? Hearts to see How much pain  hearts to see you with others ... Hemm;(
but I know she's the best for you, so thank you for 5 months<//3

I dont know why now I'm starting to hate you because I do not like your attitude. honest. I do not like the same guy who a lot of talking. so much to say than done .. heemm I hope you can changed it.

I also dont like the same guy who likes to tingle with another girl. you always said to me, if you're in love with me just as well you're in love with your mom, but what? CRAP! Im so stupid, believe it all. From now on I do not know what i made? because I already hate you too!

Around 11 time o'clock,i text you to  tell you to break up with you. You know why i broked? because of something that does not need you to know. Apparently, you're evil! so mean! i now know I can not sleep that night, I just cried and cried and turned Krisdayanti Song: I'm Sorry Goodbye "hahahaha: 'D once the song touched my heart. evening could only cry, calm even torture myself actually ..


Sebelum bertemu denganmu hidupku bahagia
Semenjak bertemu denganmu ku makin bahagia
Semakin lama aku semakin tahu tentang engkau
Sedikit kecewa ternyata engkau tak baik

Pertama-tama semua manis yg engkau berikan
Membuat aku merasakan cinta sebenarnya
Semakin hari semakin terungkap yg sesungguhnya
Ku makin kecewa ternyata kau penuh dusta

Maafkan ku harus pergi
Ku tak suka dengan ini
Aku tak bodoh
Seperti kekasihmu yg lain
Terima kasih oh Tuhan
Tunjukkan siapa dia
Maaf kita putus
So thank you so much
I’m sorry, goodbye

Seribu cara kau membuaiku dengan puitis
Maybe kau lupa bahwa aku pun juga manusia
Yg punya mata, punya hati, dan perasaan
Maaf aku pergi dan takkan untukmu lagi~

yaap! this song can make me criedddd!! huffhuffffhuff:''(

but yes it forget it .. I had to move on: D should be happy he's not the same though .. must keep the spirit: D cahyooo! yey!: D

After I studied and observed that, There are these kinds of love that I have outlined as below. Read it guy's!:)


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